Have fun! Sportsmanship is important. Treat your teammates, opposing players, referees, fans, scorekeeper, clock operator, etc. with respect. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated and you may be subject to removal.
Release waivers must be signed by all players before playing.
1. Facilities and Location: RL TAYLOR RECREATION CENTER
2. League Format
3. Equipment
4. Game Time/Game Play
5. Official Score and Scorekeeper
6. Time-Outs
7. Fouls
8. Free Throws
9. Technical Fouls
10. Flagrant Foul
11. Forfeits
12. Player Conduct
13. Fighting
14. Player Conduct
Release waivers must be signed by all players before playing.
1. Facilities and Location: RL TAYLOR RECREATION CENTER
2. League Format
- Players are guaranteed 8 games.
- There are no set teams. Teams will be formed as players confirm they will be playing each week.
- Team requests are noted but not guaranteed.
3. Equipment
- Players will be provided jerseys for each game. If a player does not return the jersey – that player is subject to immediate removal and a $50 fine.
4. Game Time/Game Play
- Games will begin at either 7:00 pm or 7:50 pm.
- Games will consist of two 20 minute halves.
- The clock will be running time except: the final minute of the first half and the final two minutes of the second half.
- If a team is ahead by 25 points or more in the second half at the 3 minute mark the clock will continue to run.
- If teams are tired at the end of regulation, a two minute overtime period will be played. In overtime, the clock will stop during the final minute. If teams are tied at the end of the second overtime, they shall play a sudden death (first point wins) overtime period.
- Half Time will be 2 minutes.
- Players entering the game must check in at the scorer's table and wait for the referee to sub you in.
5. Official Score and Scorekeeper
- The running score book (kept at the scorer’s table) will be the official score and foul count.
6. Time-Outs
- Each team will be allowed three timeouts per game.
- If overtime is played, each team shall be awarded one timeout per overtime.
7. Fouls
- A technical foul is considered a personal foul.
8. Free Throws
- Players may enter the lane once the ball leaves the shooter’s hand (on the release).
9. Technical Fouls
- All technical fouls are two free throws and the ball.
- Any player who receives two technical fouls in a game will be ejected from the game and will be suspended for a minimum of one game.
- Any player who receives three technical fouls during the season will be suspended for the remainder of the season. Refunds will not be given for expelled players.
10. Flagrant Foul
- A flagrant foul may be a personal or a technical foul of a violent or savage nature. It may or may not be intentional. Any player who receives a flagrant foul will be ejected from the game and will serve a minimum one game suspension. A flagrant foul will also count as a technical foul.
11. Forfeits
- Teams must have three (3) members from their original roster playing or a forfeit will occur. The game can still be played but it will count as an automatic loss.
12. Player Conduct
- Sarasota Rec League is a recreational program who aims to create a welcoming environment for all players. As such, the following conduct expectations are in place for all adult basketball games.
- The following actions may result in a technical foul, double technical (ejection) or flagrant foul: Use of profanity towards an official or an opposing player, complaining about or questioning an official's call, persistent complaint about judgement calls, making a comment that is personal in nature to or about an official or opposing player, any attempt to "bait" or taunt or otherwise instigate an opponent, or an attempt to physically intimidate an opponent or official. Any physical contact with an official will result in ejection from the league and notification of authorities.
13. Fighting
- Any player who is ejected for or found to be fighting will be ejected from the game and may ejected from the league for the remainder of the season.
- Sarasota Rec League will use a strict definition of fights, and shall impose the fighting penalty for any of the following actions: throwing a punch (regardless of whether or not it is landed), slapping or pushing a player’s face of head area or grabbing or pushing a player during an altercation.
- The officials have the right to halt or discontinue any game if it is believed that allowing a game to continue may result in a fight or an out of control situation.
14. Player Conduct
- Any player which consistently exhibits poor sportsmanship may be eliminated from the league with a forfeiture of all fees.
- Officials and players shall report all poor sportsmanship to the league director.